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Stat reset
Frosty Neji2014-06-22 12:34:08

I copied the stats from live again - passwords and all :)

Please take care about how you behave here... we can and will carry rule-breaks to live punishment-wise. :)

News fer Fri, Sep 6, 2024
Academe Student Raiken has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Academe Student Raiken has been paddled in th' sea by Skull.
"Why didn't I become a successful doctor like me father suggested?" wonderz Academe Student Raiken aloud.

Jounin Raiken was reborn!

Excalibur was seen splashin' around in th' town fountain!

Excalibur quietly passed from this world.

Foolish Loyal Pride has been paddled by Old Witch.
Old Witch was heard saying, "My strength be far superior t' yerz Foolish Loyal Pride"

Foolish Loyal Pride had a fatal encounter with Reaper.
Reaper sighs, "Next time stop an' think about it, befere ye challenge me"

Foolish Loyal Pride had a fatal misunderstandin' with Jack Th' Reaper which lead t' a fatal development.
"Even Sakura can't help ye now, Foolish Loyal Pride!" chides Jack Th' Reaper.

Foolish Loyal Pride has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Foolish Loyal Pride has been bruised in th' graveyard by Bloody Women.
"I'm really goin' t' enjoy this new Tiny Needle that Foolish Loyal Pride had," exclaimed Bloody Women.

Foolish Loyal Pride has been slammed into th' ground in th' sea by Cerberus.
Cerberus said t' Foolish Loyal Pride, "Not even close"

Foolish Loyal Pride survived an encounter with th' legendary beast Kirin.

Excalibur has been bruised in th' graveyard by Underworld Punisher.
"I must not be as sturdy as I thought...!" Excalibur concedes.

Excalibur has been slain while attackin' 伝説の三Akihiro in th' fields o' Kirigakure.
伝説の三Akihiro be heard t' say t' Excalibur, "Yer pathetic use o' Tiny Needle makes me laugh!"

Excalibur survived an encounter with Ero-Sennin.

Excalibur survived an encounter with The Bride Of Th' VampireLord Balu t' Bear in th' woods o' Kirigakure.

Excalibur has earned th' title Genin fer havin' slain T' Nasty ol' Snake 2 times!

Excalibur has slain th' hideous creature known as T' Nasty ol' Snake. All across th' land, matey, people rejoice!

Excalibur has beaten a couple o' bounty hunters.

Excalibur has been resurrected by Shinigami.

Excalibur has been slain while attackin' 伝説の三Akihiro in th' fields o' Kirigakure.
" Excalibur, yer lack o' posture be a disgrace," 伝説の三Akihiro states.

Excalibur was beaten t' a pulp fer peekin' at Hinata in th' woods!

Excalibur has beaten a couple o' bounty hunters.

Excalibur has beaten a couple o' bounty hunters.

Excalibur has earned th' title Genin fer havin' slain T' Nasty ol' Snake 1 time!

Excalibur has slain th' hideous creature known as T' Nasty ol' Snake. All across th' land, people rejoice!

Excalibur has beaten a couple o' bounty hunters.

Excalibur has beaten a couple o' bounty hunters.

Excalibur was reborn!

Excalibur has earned th' title Hokage fer havin' slain T' Nasty ol' Snake 80 times!

Excalibur has slain th' hideous creature known as T' Nasty ol' Snake. All across th' land, people rejoice!

Excalibur has slain t' fo'-eyed landrat, an' saved th' entire Earth Sealand from death an' destruction.

bran has been slammed into th' ground in th' sea by Floatin' Mumme Head.
"Ye lack hatred, yeng one. Perhaps th' future?" suggested Floatin' Mumme Head.

bran had their future fertold by th' honourable giant Toad o' th' Toad Temple.

bran has become a Toad Sage!

bran finished th' Sage Training in th' Toad Temple!

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